School Uniform
The school colours are royal blue and yellow.
All uniform items with a logo can be purchased direct from our supplier School Days Direct.
Non logo items can also be purchased from School Days Direct or any other retailer of your choice.
Dark grey skirt to the knee, dark grey pinafore
Dark grey trousers or knee length shorts
Yellow polo shirt (with school logo)
Blue cardigan or sweatshirt (with school logo)
Grey tights
White or grey knee length or ankle socks
Blue school fleece (with school logo)
Black shoes (no boots or trainers)
School Backpack or book bag
Summer Term optional:
Blue and white gingham or candy striped dress, white socks, black shoes - (no sandals or open-toed shoes)
PE Kit:
Trainers, yellow school T-shirt (with school logo) and plain black shorts
For outside PE in cold weather children should wear plain black jogging bottoms and black sweatshirt
We also make certain recommendations, which comply with Health and Safety Regulations:
Wellington boots may be worn to school and during play, but shoes should be provided for children to change into indoors.
If your child's ears have been pierced, you are asked to make sure that your child wears flat sleepers in school. Earrings are dangerous for PE and Games and must be removed or taped over. Staff members are not permitted to do it for them. Please provide plaster or similar tape for your child’s earrings if they cannot be removed because of the six week healing period. After this time earrings must be removed for PE and Games and be the child’s responsibility. The best time for your child to have their ears pierced is during the school holidays.
Hair that is longer than shoulder-length must be tied back and not be allowed to hang loose; this is for safety reasons as well as health reasons. Hairbands should be plain and not have any sharp points.
Nail varnish, make-up and transfers (temporary tattoos) are also not appropriate for school and should be removed before children arrive at school.
If the weather is very sunny, we advise that you apply sun cream to your child before school. Staff members are not permitted to apply sun cream to the pupils.