Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
At Eton Wick First School, we aim to provide an inclusive education which recognises, reflects and celebrates the diversity of all our pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities.
Our ethos as a church of England School is captured in the vision of a good seed growing in good soil. We endeavour to provide an environment in which all our pupils can develop, learn and grow.
Our pupils are all encouraged to be safe, act responsibly and aim high. We ensure that all our pupils have equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum and are fully included in all aspects of school life including additional activities such as clubs and trips. We embrace diversity and promote equality and equity; making reasonable adjustments where needed to remove barriers to learning.
We strive to work closely with parents and in partnership with a variety of external support services in order to fulfil the needs and potential of every child at our school.
Key documents and policies
Please follow this link to access the school’s SEND policy and information report and to access other policies relating to inclusion https://www.etonwickschool.org.uk/policies-2
School SEND Information report
SEND Policy
Accessibility Policy
Anti-bullying Policy
Behaviour Policy
Medical Needs Policy
Equality Policy
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Who to contact
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator is Miss Parsons, who works as SENDCo on a Thursday. She can be contacted via the school office.
T: 01753 860 096
E: office@etonwickschool.org.uk
Our Governor with responsibility for SEND is Denise Whalley.
Local authority information
The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead’s SEND Local Offer provides information on local services and support available for families including children and young people aged 0 - 25 years with special educational needs or disabilities.
For further information on SEND support please see 'A Collective Responsibility to meet the needs of pupils with SEND in RBWM'
Useful links
Parenting Special Children
Specialist support for Berkshire families who have a child or young person with special needs
GEMS Autism and ADHD Support Service
Outdoor activities
Thames Valley Adventure Playground
Charity supporting children and adults with all types of special need, however mild or profound, their siblings and parents and carers.
Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)
an online counselling and emotional wellbeing platform for children and young people
NHS resources
Berkshire Children and Young People’s Integrated Therapies (CYPIT) Resources
Gross and Fine Motor Skills Resource – First Move Booklet