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Vision Statement
We are all growing, developing and learning; Achieving Success in a Caring Community.
‘A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering… seed fell on good soil…’
Taken from St Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 13: The Parable of the Sower Chapter 13 (NIV)
Christian Values
A school should enable every child to flourish in their potential as a child of God; our Christian Values are at the centre of everything we do at Eton Wick School, and they help us to live out our vision. Each half term, we focus on a different value. This is done explicitly through our Collective Worship time, but also throughout our curriculum. Children have regular opportunities to reflect on each value and to develop an understanding of the value in action. Each Friday, in our Celebration Assembly, we acknowledge children who have demonstrated these values.
Understanding the values at home:
Click on the value below for some ideas on how to explore the values further at home:
Autumn 1: Friendship
Autumn 2: Honesty
Spring 1: Respect
Spring 2: Compassion
Summer 1: Thankfulness
Summer 2: Wisdom

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