Children in Early Years begin to develop their historical awareness by talking about familiar figures in their own lives and in their families. Our first topic in the Autumn term, “Me and my Community” encourages children to think about people within their wider community, including those in helping, caring professions. Children enjoy visits from the fire brigade, dentist, nurses, librarians, doctors and police officers as they learn about different roles within the community. They begin to develop the concept of past and present as they talk about themselves as babies and remember significant experiences in their own lives and that of their families.
In ‘Once Upon a Time’ children learn about the concepts of ‘old’ and ‘new’ and through story and role play begin to learn about the roles of Kings and Queens, making links with our proximity to Windsor Castle. In ‘Dangerous Dinosaurs’ children begin to compare their world with that of the prehistoric age and start to look for differences and similarities between the two and use these observations to comment on their own modern experiences. In ‘Big Wide World’ children use books, film clips and, where possible, visitors to learn about communities and cultures that are different to their own. Children experience and learn about food and clothing from around the world and comment on the similarities and differences that they observe.
Key stage 1
In Key Stage 1, Year 1 begin in the autumn term by studying the project Childhood. This project builds on 'Me and my Community' from Early Years, and encourages children to link their own experiences of the past, including their family history and events within living memory. In the summer term, children study the project School Days. This project enables children to learn the significant history of our school and make comparisons with schooling in the Victorian period.
In the autumn term of Year 2, children extend their studies to explore a broader range of time periods in the project Movers and Shakers. This project explores the concept of significance and the significant people that have greatly influenced history. In the summer term, children study the project Marvellous Monarchs. This project introduces children to the complex concepts of power and monarchy in preparation for more complex historical topics in Key Stage 2.
The projects studied at this Key Stage, provide numerous opportunities for our children to study significant historical events, people and places within our own locality of Windsor.
Lower key stage 2
In lower Key Stage 2, Year 3, children begin in the autumn term by studying the chronology of British history in the project Through the Ages. This project teaches children about the significance of pre-historic periods and the changes in Britain from the Stone age to the Iron Age. In the summer term, children continue to study the chronology of British history, in the project Emperors and Empires. This project teaches children about the Roman Empire, its invasion of Britain and the ensuing Romanisation of Britain.
In the autumn term of Year 4, children continue to learn about British history, in the project Invasion. This project teaches children about the withdrawal of the Roman army and the invasion and settlement of the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. This project concludes at 1066, which meets the guidance from the national curriculum for British history. In the summer term of Year 4, children begin their studies of ancient history by studying the overview project Ancient Civilisations. This project enables children to learn about the achievements of the earliest civilizations including Ancient Sumer; The Indus Valley and Ancient Egypt.