The projects are well-sequenced to provide a coherent geography curriculum that develops children’s geographical skills, knowledge and subject disciplines.
The choice of geographical locations (since not specified in the national curriculum) have been carefully chosen to provide a broad and diverse understanding of the world.
It is important that children know more and learn more; where there are opportunities for making meaningful connections with other projects - geography projects are placed alongside these projects. For example, in Year 1, the children are able to build and develop their skills by revisiting the geography of settlements in School Days, after already studying types of settlements in the project, Bright Lights, Big City.
Our geography projects are taught in either the autumn or spring term, which enables us to build in opportunities to revisit and reinforce key concepts which may be less secure in the summer term.
Early Years
Children in Early Years begin by learning about the world around them. They observe and talk about the physical changes that are taking place in their environment in the autumn term; they celebrate Harvest Festival as seasons change, trees lose their leaves and animals prepare to hibernate. Children are encouraged to make links between what they are observing in their environment and the fact that changes take place over time, and this too, teaches children about the wider world. As they are introduced to their new school or setting, we embed clear messages about the importance of looking after the world around us, on a small and large scale.
In the spring term, children in EYFS learn about differences between night and day. Alongside this, children study weather that is very different to that of the UK in the project “Winter Wonderland” and begin to learn about other countries, particularly those that have snow all year round. In ‘Puddles & Rainbows’ children in EYFS learn more about weather patterns and about the different seasons, work that is built upon in Year 1.
In the summer term, the project ‘Big Wide World’ introduces children to the concept of the wider world and the fact that they are a part of a global community. Children learn about the birth countries of people who are familiar to them, and whose countries of birth may be different to their own. Children explore how living things, communities and climates differ around the world. This links directly to the world projects in Keystage 1.
Key Stage 1
In Key Stage 1, the autumn term always begins with a World project. The teaching of these projects in Years 1 and 2 enables all children to be introduced to, or revisit, critical geographical concepts, aspects, skills and knowledge made explicit in the National Curriculum. These projects prepare children for the study of more thematic geography projects in following term.
In the spring term of Year 1, children study the project Bright Lights, Big City. This project introduces children to the geography of urban environments and the physical and human features of the United Kingdom, and enables them to apply their knowledge from the world project
In contrast, in the spring term of Year 2, children carry out a detailed study of coastal geography in the project Coastline. This project introduces children to the geography of coastal environments and provides children with the opportunity for in-depth coastal fieldwork.
Lower Key Stage 2
In lower Key Stage 2, children begin by studying a World project. The teaching of these projects in Years 3 and 4 enables children to develop further their skills, knowledge, and understanding of key geographical concepts and aspects and prepares them to study more thematic geography projects in the next term.
In the spring term of Year 3, children study the project Rocks, Relics and Rumbles, which explores physical features and geographical phenomena including earthquakes and volcanos.
In contrast, in the spring term of Year 4, children carry out a detailed study of the physical features of mountains and rivers, which includes opportunities for in-depth fieldwork.